
Dycco is another Python port of Docco, the quick-and-dirty, hundred-line-long, literate-programming-style documentation generator.

Dycco reads Python source files and produces annotated source documentation in HTML format. Comments and docstrings are formatted with Markdown and presented as annotations alongside the source code, which is syntax-highlighted by Pygments. This page is the result of running Dycco against its own source file.

Dycco differs from Nick Fitzgerald's Pycco, the first Python port of Docco, in that it only knows how to generate documenation on Python source code and it uses that specialization to more accurately parse documentation. It does so using a two-pass parsing stage, first walking the Abstract Syntax Tree of the code to gather up docstrings, then examining the code line-by-line to extract comments.

Dycco's HTML and CSS are taken straight from Docco, but, like Pycco, Dycco uses Mustache templates rendered by Pystache. The first version of Dycco's templates and CSS were taken straight from Pycco, then updated to match the latest changes to Docco's.

import ast
import datetime
import os
import re
import shutil
from collections import defaultdict

import markdown
import pystache
from pygments import highlight
from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name
from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter


DYCCO_ROOT = os.path.dirname(__file__)
DYCCO_RESOURCES = os.path.join(DYCCO_ROOT, 'resources')
DYCCO_TEMPLATE = os.path.join(DYCCO_RESOURCES, 'template.html')
DYCCO_CSS = os.path.join(DYCCO_RESOURCES, 'dycco.css')

For Python 2 & 3 compatibility

    string_type = basestring
except NameError:
    string_type = str

Documentation Generation

Generates documentation for the Python files at the given input_paths by parsing each file into pairs of documentation and source code and rendering those pairs into an HTML file.

The input_paths param can be a list of paths or a single str path.

def document(input_paths, output_dir):

If we get a single path, stick it in a list so we can still pretend we're operating on multiple paths.

    if isinstance(input_paths, string_type):
        input_paths = [input_paths]

Make sure the directory exists

    if not os.path.exists(output_dir) or not os.path.isdir(output_dir):

Parse each input file into sections, render the sections as HTML into a string, and create or overwrite the documentation at the appropriate output path.

    for input_path in input_paths:
        filename = os.path.basename(input_path)
        output_path = make_output_path(filename, output_dir)
        with open(input_path) as f:
            src = f.read()
            sections = parse(src)
            html = render(filename, sections)
            with open(output_path, 'w') as f:

Copy the CSS into the output directory

    shutil.copy(DYCCO_CSS, output_dir)

Parsing the Source

Parse the given source code in two passes. The first pass walks the Abstract Syntax Tree of the code, gathering up and noting the location of any docstrings. The second pass processes the code line by line, grouping the code into sections based on docstrings and comments.

The data structure returned is a special dict whose keys are the line numbers where sections start, which map to dicts containing the docs and code associated with those sections. The docs and code are stored as lists, which will be joined in post processing.

It will look a little like this:

{ 1: { 'docs': ['...', '...'],
       'code': ['...', '...'] },
  9: { 'docs': ['...', '...'],
       'code': ['...', '...'] } }

The docs for each section can come from docstrings (the first pass) or from comments (the second pass). The line numbers start at zero, for simplicity's sake.

def parse(src):

Create the basic sections datastructure we'll use to keep track of code and documentation.

    sections = make_sections()

First, parse all of the docstrings and get a list of lines we should skip when parsing the rest of the code. Modifies sections in place.

    skip_lines = parse_docstrings(src, sections)

Second, parse the rest of the code, adding code and comments to the appropriate sections. Modifies sections in place.

    parse_code(src, sections, skip_lines)

    return sections

First Pass

Parse the given src to find any docstrings, add them to the appropriate place in sections, and return a set of line numbers where the docstrings are. Note: Modifies sections in place.

def parse_docstrings(src, sections):

Find any docstrings in the source code by walking its AST.

    visitor = DocStringVisitor()

Add all of the docstrings we've found to the appropriate places in the sections datastructure. The corresponding code will be added later.

    for target_line, doc in visitor.docstrings.items():

    return visitor.docstring_lines

Second Pass

Parse the given src line by line to gather source code and comments into the appropriate places in sections. Any line numbers in skip_lines are skipped. Note: Modifies sections in place.

def parse_code(src, sections, skip_lines=set()):

Iterate through each line of source code to gather up comments and code listings and add them to the sections structure.

    current_comment = None
    current_section = None
    for i, line in enumerate(src.splitlines()):

Skip any lines that were in docstrings

        if i in skip_lines or should_filter(line, i):

Are we looking at a comment? If so, and we do not have a current comment block, we're starting a new section. If we do have a current comment block, we just add this comment to it (e.g. multi-line comments).

        if re.match(COMMENT_PATTERN, line):
            comment = re.sub(COMMENT_PATTERN, '', line)
            if current_comment is None:
                current_comment = comment
                current_comment += '\n' + comment

Otherwise, we're looking at a line of code and we need to add it to the appropriate section, along with any preceding comments.


If we have a current comment, that means we're starting a new section with this line of code.

            if current_comment:
                current_comment = current_comment.strip()
                docs = sections[i]['docs']

If we've already got docs for this section, that (hopefully) means we're looking at a function/class def that has a docstring, but that the current comments precede the def. In this case, we prepend the comments, so they come before the docstring.

                if docs:
                    docs.insert(0, current_comment)

The next comment we encounter will start a new section, but any lines of code that follow this one belong to this section.

                current_comment = None
                current_section = i

We don't have a current section, so we should be at our first bit of code (aside from any module-level docstrings), and should start a new section. But we want to skip any empty leading blank lines.

            elif current_section is None and line:
                current_section = i

If the current line is already in the sections datastructure, it is (probably) associated with a docstring from the first pass, and we should it to that section instead of whatever current section we have.

            if i in sections:
                current_section = i

Finally, append the current line of code to the current section's code block. Skips any empty leading lines of code, which will not have a current section.

            if current_section is not None:


Renders the given sections, which should be the result of calling parse on a source code file, into HTML.

def render(title, sections):

Transform the sections dict we were given into a format suitable for our Mustache template. Along the way, preprocess each block of documentation and code, via Markdown and Pygments.

    sections = [{
        'num': key,
        'docs_html': preprocess_docs(value['docs']),
        'code_html': preprocess_code(value['code'])
    } for key, value in sorted(sections.items())]

We include a timestamp in the footer.

    date = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime('%d %b %Y')

    context = {
        'title': title,
        'sections': sections,
        'date': date,
    with open(DYCCO_TEMPLATE) as f:
        return pystache.render(f.read(), context)


Preprocess the given docs, which should be a list of strings, by joining them together and running them through Markdown.

def preprocess_docs(docs):
    assert isinstance(docs, list)
    return markdown.markdown('\n\n'.join(filter(None, docs)))

Preprocess the given code, which should be a list of strings, by joining them together and running them through the Pygments syntax highlighter.

def preprocess_code(code):
    assert isinstance(code, list)
    lexer = get_lexer_by_name("python")
    formatter = HtmlFormatter()
    result = highlight('\n'.join(code), lexer, formatter)
    return result

Support Functions

Creates the special sections datastructure used to hold parsed documentation and code.

def make_sections():

A callable for use as the default object in the defaultdict we use to represent the sections.

    def section():
        return {
            'docs': [],
            'code': [],
    return defaultdict(section)

Test the given line to see if it should be included. Excludes shebang lines, for now.

def should_filter(line, num):

Filter shebang comments.

    if num == 0 and line.startswith('#!'):
        return True

Filter encoding specification comments.

    if num < 2 and line.startswith('#') and re.search('coding[:=]', line):
        return True
    return False

Creates an appropriate output path for the given source file and output directory. The output file name will be the name of the source file without its extension.

def make_output_path(filename, output_dir):
    name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
    return os.path.join(output_dir, '%s.html' % name)

AST Parsing

A NodeVisitor subclass that walks an Abstract Syntax Tree and gathers up and notes the positions of any docstrings it finds.

class DocStringVisitor(ast.NodeVisitor):
    def __init__(self):

Docstrings will be tracked as a dict mapping 0-based target line numbers to cleaned up docstrings.

        self.docstrings = {}

Track the line numbers where docstrings are found, so they can be skipped when processing the source code line-by-line.

        self.docstring_lines = set()

Keep track of the current module, class, or function node we're looking at, if any.

        self.current_node = None
        self.current_doc = None

A method to be called when visiting any node that might have an associated docstring (ie, module, function and class nodes). This uses ast.get_docstring to grab and sanitize the docstring, and notes which node we're currently looking at.

    def _visit_docstring_node(self, node):
        self.current_node = node
        self.current_doc = ast.get_docstring(node) or ''

Mark the place of any function or class definitions without docstrings, to ensure that a new section will be started for every def when rendering.

        if isinstance(node, (ast.FunctionDef, ast.ClassDef))\
                and not self.current_doc:
            self.docstrings[node.lineno - 1] = None
        super(DocStringVisitor, self).generic_visit(node)

Use the _visit_docstring_node method when visiting all of these nodes.

    visit_Module = _visit_docstring_node
    visit_FunctionDef = _visit_docstring_node
    visit_ClassDef = _visit_docstring_node

We need to actually visit the nodes representing the docstrings to record their positions. Docstring nodes show up as Expr nodes whose values are Str nodes.

    def visit_Expr(self, node):
        if isinstance(node.value, ast.Str) and \
                self.current_node and self.current_doc:

Figure out where the docstring ends, accounting for 0-based line numbers.

            end_line = node.lineno - 1

We need to know how many lines are in the docstring to figure out where it actually starts.

            line_count = len(node.value.s.splitlines())

Module nodes have to be handled differently, since they do not have a line number.

            if isinstance(self.current_node, ast.Module):
                start_line = end_line - (line_count if line_count > 1 else 0)
                target_line = start_line

The current node's lineno attribute will be where the function/class definition starts, taking decorators into account, so there may be a gap between the target_line and the start_line if the defintion includes decorators or spans multiple lines.

                start_line = end_line - (line_count - 1)
                target_line = self.current_node.lineno - 1

Mark the positions of this node and its documentation.

            assert target_line not in self.docstrings
            self.docstrings[target_line] = self.current_doc.strip()
            self.docstring_lines.update(range(start_line, end_line + 1))

Reset the accounting variables even if we didn't find a docstring, so that we don't accidentally add "unattached" docstrings to whatever class/def/module happened to come before them.

        if self.current_node:
            self.current_node = None
            self.current_doc = None

        super(DocStringVisitor, self).generic_visit(node)